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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Single VS Attached

Well, exam juz ended, actually going out to play one, but then have to wait for the others to go and get changed, so now i all alone writing this blog. Then i thought of this, is being single better or attached better? Recently, i heard alot of people, mainly attached people who say that being single is better. They say being single will have more freedom, can do whatever they wan, go out to wherever they wan, talk to whoever they wan.... They will then talk until as if being attached is a torture loh, then i have to gei gei nod my head, then they will get so worked up loh. In my heart, i was thinking, wth, if being attached is really so hard, then why are they still together with their bf or gf? Break lah! They keep talking until i buay tahan and asked them, why they dun wanna break, if really so torturing? Then they will reply: "U think i dun wan meh, i also wan, juz that cannot." Wah lan eh, what cannot? Break lah! Its just like u need to go toilet, then u dun wan to, have to tahan. Then make yourself miserable only, go to the damn toilet lah, u wan spoil ur bladder is it?
So thats the pros of being single or rather the cons of being attached. Ok lah, i agree being single got many fun parts lah, like me nowadays, i can flirt with whoever i wan loh, got bf? dun care, still flirt, no bf? good, flirt somemore. I must admit, it is very fun lah, but at the end of the day, i will feel very empty loh. No matter how much i flirt, the ger is still not mine, have to return one. Sian... Furthermore, now exams over, holidays liao, i dun wanna rot at home. Which in turn brings me back to my intro, if i got gf, i wun be rotting now and write this entry, but rather i would be meeting her and going out and she can console me about my lousy grades next month.
I wan a gf, or rather i wan a soulmate, a activity partner. So those who read this entry, ASK me out, i dun wan rot at home.


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