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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Can't sleep...

Didn't wanna touch my blog until exam over one, but can't sleep, so come and write something loh. Today was the first day of my exams, quite jia lat loh. Cannot finish the 2nd paper, only managed to do 2 questions of 20 marks each in the last 15 mins, wth loh, should have plan my time better. Siao liao loh, arh.............. Anyway, the first paper also cui, forensic science, for the lectures, i pon almost all loh, then the lecturer "chut stunt" loh, asked question about wat a guest speaker say. Who the hell is this Mr. Chui? Really "CUI" loh, how i know what you say ah. The question is Singapore is world leader for what according to him? 1) body parts cases 2) high fall death 3) carbon monoxide death 4) forgot the other option liao. What kind of question is this right? Why according to him, he also not famous, why dun wan according to me? If u say according to someone like Issac Newton, i nothing to say lah. So today quite screwed lah, especially IT. I wonder how NTU calculate the marks loh, they always say get A lah, or B+ or C+, whatever, but how they derive such grades one? In JC and secondary school, they can say B3 is for 65 to 70. Now what is B+? So i try to calculate, lowest pass grade is D mah, so D should be 50 lah. D+ = 55. C=60, C+=65, B-=70, B= 75, B+= 80, A-=85, A=90, A+=95? What the hell loh, to get a b+, you will need 80 marks, in JC A1 only need 75, now a 75 marks only can be B. So hard lah. Those that get first class honours need an average of 85, wth loh, how they manage ah, dun understand at all. Ai yah, begin to get tired liao, so going to end le.
PS: today however got 1 good thing happen, I become an Uncle liao, my cousin just gave birth to a baby girl. Although not first time, i become uncle, but thinking that got a small ger calling me: "Uncle Ernest, Gong Xi Fa Cai!" Hahaha, does this mean that i'm growing old? I only 22 years minus 3 days old leh. Hope thia little ger can bring me good luck!
PS2: 3 more days is someone very important's birthday, so anyone out there who got extra money, these are the things i wan for my birthday. Cannot be greedy, so i just name 5 loh.
1) MOST WANTED GIFT: A car (i know highly impossible, but maybe got some rich person got extra money, haha)
2) It has always been my dream since pri 6 to own a pair of D & G jeans. My size is 32 lah, i dun wan tight fit one.
3) A Adidas jacket, cannot make up my mind which colour i wan, i wan the thick type, not the wind breaker type.
4) PS3 coming out right, i wan, but must modified one.
5) Cash is always appreciated.
Anyway, i'm not materialistic loh, so if someone get anything or even juz a birthday wish, i will be very happy le, but if get the above gifts hoh, wah lao, appreciated for whole year loh, give u big big kiss loh. Out of the above 5 gifts loh, i think the jacket is the cheapest one, so if anyone wanna get for me, better to inform me first, so dun wan duplicate gift. But cash duplicate nvm lah. BIGGEST birthday wish is for YOU to wish me.
Buay tahan alreadi, going to sleep liao, how other papers will be more do-able.


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