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I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Back to theory telling

Ok, now lets put the previous few entries behind us, from on onwards, its the old ernest with his cock theories again. A bit brain dead from the projects doing sessions, sian. This is call writer's block, see, i also got 墨水one, i also can be sophisticated. Ok, since someone complained dun wan BGR theory, today i shall write about ah sia gia.

DO you know what is "ah sia gia"? It means those rich man's son. In ntu, got alot, you thought students driving cars already quite big fuck already, but some even more power, they dun drive normal corolla or sunny, instead they drive BMW, Mercs CLK, Ferrari, EVO, Porsche etc. WTH right, i know some even more power, they dun have license, but got car waiting at home for them to drive loh.Hey, i'm not jealous ok, juz wanna discuss if these type of people will suceed in life later on. From young, they had been showered in money, when they go into in society, will they succeed? TV always show these people will in the end waste all their parents money away, then all the so-called friends left them, then they become super poor thing. But in reality will such things really happen? I personally dun think so, unless these ah sia gia are really moronic ah, if not, i think they would jolly well succeed in life loh, as the rich will tend to get richer, while the poor needs to work very hard.
How come i think they will succeed? Who won't, you tell me? Their parents left them with so much money, they can juz anyhow start a business, then can earn money alreadi, or they juz need to succeed their parents business, juz sit at their tables receive money can le. But they must be sure dun be stupid and kanna cheated by the people they thought are their frens lah. 1 very easy way for them to succeed is, but some shops, then rent out earn rents can alreadi, or juz deposit their money in somewhere to earn interest also can. Who won't succeed with these kind of advantages in life? Only the really moronic ones loh, those who use money as toilet money, only know how to spend, never even try 1 bit to earn.
But 1 major disadvantage for them to be born rich is that, they won't enjoy the results one earned after putting in alot of hard work. So for us who are not borned with a gold, silver or even bronze spoon in mouth, we should work very hard to try to climb to the same level as them, then overtake them. Such fulfillment should be very song one bah. Ha ha.
This theory is rubbish right, sorry about that, writer's block.


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