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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sorry about that!!!

Sorry about that! Lazy Ernest has created a blog. Those who know me will be quite surprised that lazy ernest has created one. Last time, i had even say that i will never do such boliao things, but haha, now i no life, so create one loh.

Ok, let me give it a proper 开幕典礼! Everybody, welcome to my blog. Thanks for coming! 招待不周, 真不好意思!

Why is my blog's name sorry about that? Ha, cos that is my 口头禅, actually first heard from jiahao, but i keep using, until its mine, haha! Sorry about that, jiahao! Recently, thought of writing a book, inside all my weird theories, but my english too lousy already, then too lazy to write also, so give up on the idea. Never mind, i write in blog loh. Since i'm such a lazy ass, i wun keep undate my blog. Nobody cares also! Let me start this first "article" by introducing about myself...
Ai yah, troublesome, see my profile ba. Too much for first entry le, next time then continue. Sorry about that!


Blogger _.Juan._ said...

OMG ERNEST LIN KUANGYUAN has... has... has..... A BLOG????

10:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ernest... u look sooooooooooo cute when u were young... wished u didnt get the chance to grow up.. sure got a lot of gals like u... muahaha...

11:52 pm  

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