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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Rainy Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!! I'm sure there will be people who wondered how come over already, then I say. Well, for those who dunno me, is cos i'm like that, since i definately won't be the first to say merry christmas, i want to be the last. Haha, sorry about tat!
This past week very tiring, especially for my legs. I had been working as a salesman, selling branded, super expensive women's clothings. Have to stand whole day, hence super tired. It was there that i finally know the real world out there: how rich people can be. People would spend a few thousand on a simple top lah, siao one loh. For me, unless i'm earning like 10k per week, if not, i most definately wun spend like tat lah. But very fun lah, can see all kinds of people, especially pretty gers, haha. There is even this crazy woman lah, she is like very fat lah, but she keeps thinking that she wears size SMALL, then keep wanna try. Heard that she would roll up the skirt instead of zipping and wear at her thigh when it is suppose to be at the waist. Funny sia!
Anyway, this entry is about the rain. This month very rainy lah, rain almost everyday. Then juz now i suddenly thought of one thing. How come ah, when people have appointments, when it is a sunny day, if one is late, one would be reprimanded and is seen as wrong. However if it is a rainy day, if one is late, it is deem as alright? Actually no difference right? If rain, take umbrella lah, where is the difference? Rain, then traffic jam? But if u dun drive, but takes the MRT, then no diff what. But rainy day is treated as a good excuse for being late loh. I wonder if sunny day can be treated as an excuse for being late.
For rainy day
Boss: Why are you late?
Employee: Bo bian leh. Cos raining mah, i need to wait for rain to get smaller before leaving my place, if not sure kanna rain one
Boss: Ok Ok, go and work!
Maybe for sunny day also can use this excuse.
For sunny day
Boss: Why are you late?
Employee: Bo bian leh, cos super sunny mah, i need to wait for sun to get smaller before leaving my place, if not sure kanna heatstroke one, u wan me to report sick meh?
Boss: Errrrr.... Ok Ok, go and work!
Maybe next time can try this excuse. Ok, got to go liao. Tml still have to work, sian.

PS: another reason why my christmas wishes is late is cos Raining mah, bo bian one. Who ask everyday rain, sorry about tat!


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