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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Monday, July 28, 2008


On the 22nd of July, I reached a certain milestone of my life. I finally put on the mortarboard and become a graduate. Lazy to write much, i will just show my pics during the convo then.
First, this is Kelvin Kok, my fellow NTU accountancy hall mate. He is the former president of my hall. He helped me pull string to get a single room during my final year, thanks alot! Even though he is my president, i am his captain, so in a way, its fair, haha.
This is Shu yun, fellow hall mate also, Kelvin's gf. Very violent, but is a very nice person if you dun step on her tail.
This is Diana, another fellow hall mate, but she is from Business. Quite tall, heng i still taller.
This is Jeannie, with a ghost dunno trying to do what. Jeannie always say i very fierce, but i so nice to her loh, purposely lose mahjong to her leh. Dunno how to see people one.
The rest of my hall fellow graduates, Ming Rui beside me, then Weijie, Kelvin, Diana, Jinteng, Jeannie, Nanping and Jiahao.
Cindy Tan, secondary school class mate, she came for her sister's convo, 2 years in army really make us lose alot of time. She is younger than me one leh, but she so mature already and i still haven start working. Sigh... Some even going to get married soon.

My gang in NTU, without Jia Hao who dunno go where. From left, Sheila, me, Priscilla, Li Wei, Jin Rong and Kar Hon. Had alot of fun time with them, but now all splitting up, abit yi yi bu she, haha.

My Father, bu xiang hoh?

My mother.

Me receiving the empty booklet, abit bo liao, waited for 1 hour plus listening to talks which nobody pay attention to, then finally received an empty booklet from someone who i never even see before, dun even know his name.

Listen to me talk better mah, hahaha.

Bored? Then listen to me sing loh, haha.

My sister who rushed down from work.

My family, except my elder sis who is at work.

One of my best friends, Elton, who purposely came down for my big day. So honoured!!!

Together with Jason, another good friend and Binghan.

The 3 musketeers, a name given by a tutor.

Lifen, a friend i knew in Year 1, an active reader of my blog, haha, must help promote.


My elder sister who took this picture after i changed and going to sleep.

My sister who so bo liao, wanna wear my gown and take picture. Haha, let you take bah, but its better to go study to wear your own gown.

Thats all! Actually also no special feeling for this lah, just another day to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

stupid butchie! y post my ghost fotos on your blog! like tt die alr la... no suitors to chase after mi alr!!

anyways your sisters all quite chio leh!!

10:39 pm  

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