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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

First OT

Yesterday I had my first OT. Actually, it is sort of like i wanted to finish all that is necessary b4 i left, can leave it for tml one, but dunno why, just dun feel going home so early, so dily daly a bit loh. Recently, heard many people say I am clever, or not stupid, but i dun quite agree with them loh. I think i'm just average, maybe even abit dumb. So what i'm an undergrad, that does not mean i'm clever what, maybe cos i'm a mugger? Ha, but people who really know me will know if i'm one lah. If i'm clever, i will be able to stop myself from thinking about the negative things that happened, i will be able to stop myself from holding onto something that i should just let go. I will be able to stop myself from doing the wrong things. Actually, thought of many things to write yeaterday b4 i sleep, but today forgot all already. In conclusion, I dun think i'm clever, just average or abit dumb. Even my father has been calling me Ah Gon since young, maybe i am really Gon.
Anyway, met a group of secondary classmates on Monday, time really flies, its been 7 years since I was preparing for my O levels, now we are already adults, the girls are even working already, now they will even talk about getting married, wow, last time the cry babies, kiasu, crazy girls are already thinking of settling down already and i'm still like wasting my time away, really must grow up already. But really enjoyed meeting up with all of them. Quoting what Pauline say: " The next time we meet will be in someone's wedding", time really flies. Now who will be the first? And who will be there? Haha, i think only Jiahao and Elton will understand.

PS: I am not some popular or clever guy, i'm just one pathetic gon kia.


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