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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm so wishy washy

I'm sure people always change their criteria, change what they hope me. Me especially. When i was not so little, i want a girlfriend who has good body, but then i fell in love with someone who is more on the flat side. Then i want someone who is thin, but then again i fell in love with someone who is voluptuous. Then as i became older, i want someone who is not so young, but once again i fell in love with someone who is quite young. Then i want someone who can converse in mandarin fluently, but then i like someone who cannot speak proper mandarin. Whats wrong with me ah? Stupid sia.

When i'm in primary school, i wanted to get into AJC, but when i got the chance to go in, i choose to give it up for NYJC. Damn po po ma ma lah. I always like that one loh, ask me to decide a place for dinner, i can't make up my mind, always rely on others to decide for me. Sigh...... Dunno what i want also.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow u have how many gfs? i wasnt updated of the young one and the one who cannot speak chinese fluently. so many things didnt update me...


11:56 pm  

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