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I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Lunar New Year!

Gong Xi Fa Cai! May all my blog's readers enjoy good health and great luck! This year is the year of the golden pig, next year is my year again, wah, suddenly i feel so old. I'm still like 19 lah, since 2004, i dun feel like i had grown. So old liao, by right should not be childish, should not always talk nonsense, but this is me loh. Hai... Anyway, Happy Lunar New Year (said by the people who tried to act chim, can't they just say Happy Chinese New Year!) Since i'm so old liao, i should act sophisticated (chim), and use Lunar. Ha, being childish again.

Since so long, never talk about my super true theories, today shall write about 1. This theory is: THINGS HAPPENED FOR A REASON! I strongly believe that things happened for a reason loh, sometimes its like giving a warning to us, stopping us from doing something, while sometimes its like giving us a warning that something is gonna happen. I'm sure you all had heard stories of this person was going overseas, then something came up, so that person had to cancel the trip, in the end the plane crashed. Macham like Final Destination, but this one wun kanna another accident. In the movie Signs, things happened for a reason, like the small girl like to put cups of water everywhere around the house and nobody bothers to clear up the glasses, in the end the glasses of water are used to attack the aliens. I think this movie very meaningful loh.

For my personal experience, in sec 2, after the exam, we were supposed to choose combinations for O level, i was not given my top choice, instead i was posted to the top class something which i am against, i went to appeal to my preference, but the teacher-in-charge did not approve. She said that if i wan change class, i had to go to my last choice, even worse for me, of cos i had no choice but to remain in that class. In the end, i learnt very valuable lessons in that class, had my first love and had to study to get into JC. If i'm allowed to get into my preferred class, being a super slacker, i think i would have end up in Poly instead. My class people were super hardworking and motivated (kiasu in short), hence i LL had to try to do my hw and stuffs and had to aim for a JC. And i would not have met her and my stupid good fren. Hence i think everything happens for a reason, maybe this is called destiny.

So if anybody feels lousy that something that you dun like happened, dun be dismay, maybe the end result is not so bad. Maybe this path will lead you to greater good. So what your bf or gf ditch you, maybe you will hence get to find a better guy/ger. So what your interviews failed, maybe that company sucks. So what you fail your exams and cannot get into the school you wan, maybe in your retaking of the exam or your new school, you will meet great friends or even your husband or wife or gain valuable experiences.

So i feel things happened for a reason, and the reason is always helpful to you, so dun be despair if something is not going according to plan, treat them as experiences and learn from them or they are juz another path to lead you to your destination or even a better destination.


Blogger p1faithless said...

ure sure optimistic.. haha =)

3:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of this saying?
If something happened once, it will never happen again. If it happened twice, there will be a third time.

11:28 pm  
Blogger Ernest said...

wow, chim sia. Actually i never heard it before. I only heard b4 lightning never strike the same place twice. But what you said may be true, but not really true also. Then how come those people who only got 2 children never get the third one?

10:29 pm  

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