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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Update of myself

This past 2 weeks, its all training for me at work. Really feel like i have start to grow up already, not much yet, but little by little, i will grow up. Last weekend, the EPL started, not very gian to watch, unlike last year. Even if its on Man U, i also like not very enthu, but i still watched lah. Olympics, more exciting bah, but the anticipated final of table tennis, i also not enthu leh. Its like know the results already, watch for what, but i was looking forward to something that day, but it was not to be.

Feel that Ernest has changed already, still as crappy, lame and idiotic as usual, but start to mature in thinking bah, he even watched the PM's rally last night with interest. Ha ha, in a way, it felt like it concerns him. Higher cost of living etc. Ernest also start to believe in some things are not meant to be, just like you will never see the sun rising from the east, well, not in his lifetime anyway. Ernest is actually very competitive, dun like to lose, just wanna fight for things that he wants. But fight so much for what, bu shi ni de, jiu bu shi ni de. Just be contented with what you have, if it is meant to be. However, if you never try, you will never know. Know le, better than dunno mah.

So now, i will try to have a successful career, fight for it! Concentrate on career, family and friends! Like what the trainers and PM Lee say, must have a balanced work life.

PS: ski jar!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u grew up le meh?! i dun notice leh!

2:15 pm  

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