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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Unlucky Start

Wah, the beginning to this week sucked. On monday i found that i misplaced my jacket, but i couldn't remember where i lost it. This windbreaker very memorable to me, it had been with me for 7 years already. Got it during J1, it had been through all major exams with me, and now it is gone. WTH..... Anyone see my windbreaker, please let me know. It is a black Nike windbreaker.
Then yesterday i began to feel sick, WTF lah, thursday got 2 quiz, then i fall sick now, should let me fall sick on thurs mah. Anyway, i haven really sick yet, juz felt that my head very heavy, then abit nausea. Someone told me its the weather, this type of comment very auntie right? Only aunties like my mum will say such things loh, young people like us wun comment so. I believe its the dinner i took yesterday, its super oily loh. In case u dunno, i ate fried hor fan from a canteen and i dun wan go far to buy dinner, so i da bao nearby. Dun wanna name the hall.
Thought of taking MC for my 304 quiz, but what the heck, i changed my mind, think i'm going to take the quiz, unless i really damn sick on thurs.
In conclusion, think i need to go pray pray first, luck running out. And there is a choice 11 now. An Adidas jacket.
Most prob it will be like last year when i ended up with nothing, haha.
PS: England rulz, the England in rugby world cup. They in final already, when no one think they can make it, they overcome every obstacles. Johnny Wilkinson! So i really wan that england rugby jersey, around $170 lah, i know super ex, thats why hope got any kind soul can get for me. Haha.


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