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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

4 weeks to go

4 more weeks, then it will be my 2nd last exam period, at least for the near future. Normally exam period should be relax, just study for exam can already, but NTU got this stupid schedule. This week i got 1 project, then next week, got 3 projects due, 2 quizzes on the same day. Wah lao, siao liao lah, suddenly i'm stressed, panicked liao. Shit, i must start to study this week and pai the projects le. This past month alot of people become quite anti-social, think i should start to become anti-social le. I really must study le, must maintain this stress mode, if not i won;t study one.
And i sort of made up my mind to apply for wat jobs liao. Think i shall go big 4, no point applying banks, dun wan the mundane jobs, while the challenging jobs wun want me. Actually not big 4, i think i will apply the big 2 and the smaller one. A partner at one of the big4 say one, " actually its big3 and the other one, but one of the big3 got such a bad reputation that it must have some truth in it, so it only left 2." In case u dunno which 2 left, its the one where everyone wanna go and my company lah. But i think i will apply pwc, ey and deloitte only. Dun wan go the better paying one, not due to the reputation, but cos of someone. Everyone say surely can get in big4, but what if suay suay i can't get in, then i never apply banks, how ah? Will i be jobless? Argh, wat the heck, the most go and sell wan ton mee loh, hahahaha, be my wan ton mee prince.

PS: i really wan it badly, anyway to get it?


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