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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Update about my life

Its being 2 weeks since i last blogged. Dun really know wat to write and also too lazy to do anything. Well, i juz came back from dnd comm free dinner at ricetable, erm, food so so only, not very nice. This 2 weeks being very busy, busy with interviews and dunno why during exam period very free, and scv got alot of nice shows to watch, after exam over, i became damn busy, almost everyday got something on and the scv got nothing to watch. This 2 weeks i found out something about myself, that i'm actually very homely, i prefer to stay at home then going out and too lazy to go out also. The past week, i had been to 3 interviews, at pwc, deloitte and ernst and young. Before i got into final year, i only wanna go pwc, now when i got it, i am not really interested anymore. Its just my JC days when i wanted to go AJC badly when i was in sec 4, then when got the chance to get in, i chose NYJC. I'm in a dilemma, dunno if i wanna go the so called prestigious PWC, the one with similar name to mine, Ernst and Young or the one which is almost as slack at pwc, yet which alot of my frens are going Deloitte. Sigh, fan ah! Yesterday went for Deloitte's cocktail function at Hilton hotel, free food, but no chairs to sit. The people were psychoing us to choose it, me being a rather stubborn guy who wun give in to psychoing, was abit tempted to go DT. I wish i got something tat can tell me which one to choose. Sian.
I also found out another thing about myself, I'm not ready for a relationship yet. I dun really wanna commit myself in 1 relationship, be there all the time when ur gf needs u, have to listen to her whine and being her sandbag. Yet on the other hand, i long for someone to be there when i need her, accompany me for movie marathons. Rubbish blog, cannot think properly at all.


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