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Location: Singapore

I'm no longer a student. 24 this year, but birthday have not come, single. Dun like to cheong, dun smoke, seldom drink and gamble, dun like ktv also. Love sports.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Question that proves Singapore University students are dumb dumb

Yesterday a fren sent me a sms about a maths question, supposedly for primary school kids, but 99% of university undergrads got it wrong, wanting to prove it wrong, i ans the sms. I got correct in my first try, haha. I then forwarded the sms to many frens to see if they can get it correct. Out of about 20 people, only 2 got correct, haha, so its not true 99% are dumb dumb.
The tough question is:
A customer went to Mr Goon's shop to buy a gift. The gift cost $18, but Mr Goon is selling at $21. The customer then give Mr Goon a $100 note, having no small change, Mr Goon then exchange the money with his neighbour, Mr Doo. Mr Goon then pay back $79 to the customer. Later Mr Doo found out that the $100 note is fake, having no choice, Mr Goon have to give back $100 to Mr Doo. In this transaction, how much did Mr Goon lost?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:00 am  
Blogger p1faithless said...


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